
A Row to Hoe

Publication Date: 

January 1, 0001

The Gender Impact of Trade Liberalization on our Food System, Agricultural Markets, and Women’s Human Rights

By Alexandra Spieldoch

This preliminary research paper fills a gap in the body of literature around food and agriculture in relation to gender. It draws together analysis of recent trends in food and agriculture from a gender perspective with the wider literature on how trade and investment have affected food security and agricultural development.

Chocolate Child Labor Poster

All the sweetness in chocolate cannot hide the bitter taste of slavery and child labor used to produce chocolate’s basic ingredient, cocoa.

Children as young as nine are tricked or sold into slavery to work on cocoa plantations in Cote d’Ivoire, where almost half of the world's

cocoa is grown. Cocoa in the U.S. is imported by companies such as Nestlé, Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland.

Shop Til You Drop Exercise

This exercise created by the Cross Border Network and STITCH is designed to show students how little pay sweatshop workers receive, and the difficulties in supporting a family with such low wages. The exercise includes a role play where students will act as families and must decide how to spend the money they make in one month.
